This is a rather amusing tale of something that happened to a “friend” of mine. Namely me.
I was in a relationship dry spot for a period of a few months when I met him. I happened to be walking by a 'Naughty and Nice' store when I saw him inside. I suddenly was just driven to find out what he was all about. I quickly bonded with him at a deep level. He was exactly what I needed in life just then. He was always there for me whenever I needed him, and he always gave me what I needed. And even better, he had no expectations of me at all. A match made in heaven. I nicknamed him “Captain Nemo” after the character in the Jules Verne novel, but pretty soon I shortened that to just “Nemo”. He could not swim, but he was best when he was wet.
Nemo was just about the longest lasting pleasure giver that I was ever entertained by. I always got tired before he did. It was a relationship made in heaven! He had a tight compact body. Very elegant and sleek. He was extremely satisfying for such a small package. It always fascinated me how much pleasure he could give. He only gave me grief once. But it was a doozie!
Captain Nemo, my companion when I needed him the most, was a mini-vibrator!
I was attracted to his high quality look right off the bat. I had not had sex in months and was getting pretty desperate when I chanced to see him. His best feature was that he came with a small tubular carrying case that fit like a glove into my purse. It looked like I was prepared for a rainy day to the casual observer because most people who saw it thought it was an emergency umbrella. Nobody who saw him ever recognized him for the deliverer of delights that he was.
I am a traveling salesperson by trade. I sell hydraulic valves of all things. My job involves insane amounts of travel, and I am often away for three weeks at a time every month. When I first started, I was thrilled at the freedom that my job gave me. Traveling, meeting new people, opening new accounts. It was quite a rush. But after several years of that my enthusiasm started to wane. By my second decade on the road, it was just a job. You see, by then I was pushing my mid-forties pretty hard, and I just did not think I could handle a new career. When I was younger, I had a sailor in every port. Most people would have judged me as promiscuous. I personally prefer calling it free spirited. And besides, it was not like I was doing it with anybody wearing pants I just did the hot ones! Come on, I am kidding. I make no secret of the fact that I had my own harem of guys. It was fun. I never told any of them that we were exclusive, and I have never been ashamed. I avoided one night stands. In fact, I never had one. I hope that all of my past companions still think of me with the same warmth of feelings that I still feel for them. I was always very careful about protection, and have never had any issues. As I spent more time on the road, these types of relationships started to pale. I guess I was looking for something more without realizing it. So it turned out that as each of them went their own ways to find something more tangible, I just did not have the heart to find anyone to replace them. My little guy harem atrophied, and then ceased to exist. I started to become depressed in my solitude. Deep down in side, I knew that I was looking to settle down, but I was on the road three weeks a month and I just could not see me doing any sort of normal family gig. Hence, Nemo.
At the end of one particularly grueling sales trip, I was extremely tired and started to get quite sleepy behind the wheel. So rather than try to make it home that night, I decided to hole up in a motel for the evening. It was rush hour and even though I was only about 20 miles away, it would take me too long to get there. So I had a quick supper, and turned in. You know, it always seems to to this way. I guess I was over tired by then, and was having trouble getting asleep. After a while, I got up and reached for my trusty Nemo. When I turned him on, he did not sound quite right. He needed new batteries. I had realized that the last time I used him, but it had slipped my mind. I opened my purse and pulled out the ones that I had already picked up. Recharged with a new set of batteries, Nemo was soon purring normally.
As I rubbed him over my clitoris, I found myself more stimulated than usual. It was either the fresh batteries or the state of exhaustion that I was in or some combination of both. I really do not know why, I just know that it felt awesome. So I found myself pushing him in deeper than normal. In and out, in and out, I was in heaven. My climax was huge, but when I came, I lost my grip on Nemo and he slipped way up inside of me. It was an awkward angle for me and I could not reach him. The problem was that he was still running. I was starting to worry in a big way, but old Nemo just kept buzzing up a storm I started to wish I had bought cheaper batteries. As I came the third time in five minutes, I was starting to flag. I was already tired to start, and I was not sure how much of this I could tolerate. Well, tolerate is a bad word, because my body seemed to be one with Nemo, even though my head was getting worried. I tried everything I could think of but could not get him out. In a flash of inspiration, I stood up and started jumping up and down on my heels hoping that gravity would come to my aid. That was the closest I got to success. He started to slip down, but just as reached the point where I could grab him, I had another shuddering spasm. Up he zipped, fast as lightning!
I was starting to get exhausted, but that darn Nemo seemed to be insatiable. By now I was cursing EverReady quite vociferously. I finally decided that I needed someone to help. Asking the hotel night clerk might have made his day, but I was not about to do that. Instead, I looked up the address of the nearest hospital and payed a visit to their emergency ward. I was hoping to get a sympathetic nurse rather than some uptight doctor. I was lucky I guess. They were not that busy, but even so I had to wait a half hour before I could see anybody. As I waited, I had several more orgasms. I was actually starting to hurt each time it happened. This was not even remotely funny anymore.
Once in the room, a doctor showed up almost immediately, and had Nemo out within seconds. What a relief! It only took me a few moments to feel the embarrassment, and my face was soon red as a beet. The doctor could not have been nicer though. I was ready for a gruff old bugger, but he was about my age and just a really nice guy. In any event, he said it was not the first time he had had to deal with something like this. He left then, but as he walked away, my eyes were immediately attracted to his really cute butt. The rest of his physique was good as well. Looked like he worked out, and he was pretty decent looking as middle age guys my age go. He had to be taken though.
The fatigue really hit me then. I was having trouble even bending over to put on my slacks. When I stood up I felt dizzy. I asked for directions to the cafeteria and wandered very slowly in that direction. I had just started to work on my croissant and sip a herbal tea when Dr. Stud Muffin walks in and orders a coffee and toasted bagel. I tried not to drool as I watched him from the corner of my eyes. I was pretending to read some free publication that was on the table, but I guess I was not that convincing. He totally surprised me by coming over to my table and asking if I would mind if he joined me.
You know, I have been a salesperson all my life so I have a real gift for gab. In spite of that gift of gab, I have always had trouble opening up and pouring my heart out to anybody. Maybe it was his bedside manner, but with this guy I found that I was pouring my heart out to him within five minutes. He was amazingly easy to talk to. I just implicitly trusted him. He said he knew what I meant. His wife had left him a couple of years before and he was just getting over the divorce. It was the job that broke them up. It was too demanding of his time and she just got tired of being alone. Suddenly, Dr. Hunk became a lot more interesting to me. I started to subtly shift the conversation.
By the end of his break, I had lined him up for a date the following weekend. I left the hospital walking on air. That Saturday, things went really well, and a series of dates followed as our schedules permitted. What was good about the relationship was that we both had jobs that required us to be away from each other for protracted periods of times, but we were both okay with that. In any event, after a year we moved in together, and two years later we were married.
Nemo was the only one who suffered in all of this. His life became quite lonely without me. I seldom needed him anymore, and after 4 months I put him away for good. Likely he was happy for me because I was so happy myself. There are days when I reflect on it all and it almost seems as if it was planned by some greater entity. There were just too many coincidences that had to line up for this to have been just random. In any event, Nemo still has a special place in my heart, and sits in an honored place on a shelf in my bedroom. He changed my life, and every once in a while, I take him down and reflect on all of that.
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Relationship Tips for Women
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