So the University of British Columbia (that’s in Canada folks), did a study of just over 1000 people divided evenly between men and women of all ages, and found some rather surprising results. (American Psychological Association Journal "Emotion")
The study had the people view pictures of the opposite sex where the pictures showed people displaying demeanor's of shame, happiness, pride or a more neutral expression. The participants were asked to rate their attractiveness on a scale of 1 to 9.
Women liked a proud physical expression on a man, and younger women were second most turned on to shameful expressions with sagging shoulders, etc.. For some reason, all age groups were not that attracted to pictures of men who were happy.
Likely women are attracted to successful looking guys because of the security that they represent. It would seem that women are looking for a good provider. Bad Boys, on the other hand, with their brooding expressions likely attract females because they think that they can fix them and make them wholesome and happy (hmm -- at which point they would likely have to dump them because women are not that attracted to happy guys – then the guy would be unhappy and brooding again, so some other woman can take a turn at bat).
Bringing this back to our cave man days, a man that was a good provider was a good hunter and had a lot of skins around to keep him warm, thus showing his success. A bad ass dude would be able to take the riches from a good hunter, and thus could also provide. Ideally a good hunter who could kick the ass of any bad dude who tried to rob him would be doubly desirable.
Men on the other hand find happiness and laughter in women the most attractive trait, while pride is a turn off. After all, what man in his right mind would want to come home to an uppity know it all.
Women with a shameful expression were also somewhat attractive to men. After all, if they have something to be ashamed about, maybe they can get them in the sack.
Taken back to cave man terms, a man spends all his days hunting. He has to keep quiet. He is miserable most of the time and he is full of fly bites. Many days he returns empty handed and is worried about finding more food before they starve. When he gets back to the cave, the last thing he wants to hear about is that there are only berries for supper, what a mess the kids made in the cave and the headache that she has from all their screaming and yelling. And he never wants to hear that it is a good thing she is such a good berry picker because Blurg's lazy wife did not get any berries so he will have no supper.
So what can we derive from this study:
1) For Guys, you want to come across as confident and successful (the pro sports player, or successful entrepreneur). If you cannot pull that off, and you are after a younger woman, then try for a brooding James Dean / early Marlon Brando sort of look. In fact, if you can pull off the successful yet brooding and thoughtful man look, you will have females licking at your feet. For both of these looks, to hold onto them past the initial attraction, you do not kowtow to women. In fact, you will likely get your best traction by refusing to dote on them. Treating them like one of the guys is a better approach than treating them like princesses.
2) For Women, acting like you are better than everyone else, running down other people, or complaining about work all the time are all sure ways to send any guy packing. You need to be seen as a smiling, fun loving optimist, eager to look for the silver lining around any grey clouds in your life, and be willing to try new things. If you cannot pull of the happy face all the time, then the other approach would be to act like you were just caught with your pants down in church. If you look embarrassed or shameful about something, then men think you likely have something to be embarrassed about. They will likely stick around to find out if you can both participate in other potentially "embarrassing" encounters.
The male orgasm can be an exciting experience, the major function of the male orgasm is the ejaculation, however not all men ejaculate with orgasm. The female orgasm is however still a bit of a debate as to why it happens, it is generally believed that it is to help the sperm proceed along on their journey toward the egg (ovum).
The majority of men have little knowledge with their G-spot, some men are not even aware that they have one. Most of you have no idea that the male prostrate is the equivalent of the female G spot. Not many people out there are familiar with this fact. It is also easier to find the male G-spot. For some people it may seem abnormal to examine that area, but if you keep an open mind about it you could experience the best orgasms you could ever hope to have.
FINDING THE MALE G-SPOT The male G-spot is pretty simple to find, however, it does require some tenacity. It is between the rectum and the bladder. Lying on your back is on of the more comfortable and convenient ways to reach it, so you will most probably need to use a bed or a large chesterfield. The process will be easier if you have your legs elevated which you can do by having them hang over the back of the sofa or by leaning them against the wall behind the bed. Try putting a pillow under your derriere if you are having trouble reaching the perineum. For first timers take your time and use a gel. Then slowly insert a finger into the anus and probe gently, you will know when you have reached the prostate gland when you come across the chestnut sized lump that is roughly about two inches inward.
If your partner is on his back your palm should be up, be sure your fingernails are not sharp, and be sure not to touch your own genital area with the same finger you used to penetrate your partners anus. Keep in mind that not all men like prostate stimulation just as some women love G-Spot stimulation and others find it uncomfortable. Once found and properly rubbed it will provide men with an orgasm that is more stimulating than they have ever had with regular sex.
Prostate milking as it is also called also enables the man to experience multiple orgasms that are longer in duration and gives them the ability to ejaculate without being sexually aroused before hand. Orgasms achieved male G-Spot stimulation can be 4 times more powerful and can persist for five minutes. It provides what is known as a full body orgasm.
THINGS TO CONSIDER Before you and your better half begin anal g-spot manipulation, it would be best if you take the time to do it slowly and gently. Some people have a hot shower before beginning. Using a finger is the best way to find and provide stimulation to the G-spot if you are afraid or this is your first time attempting this, there are sexual adult toys you can purchase that can enhance your experience as well. You can also try different methods each time for variety. Rubbing the penis while gently manipulating the G-spot is one option.
It has often been believed that for a man to manipulate his own G-spot is weird and perverse, which is the main reason why it is seldom talked about. Prostrate milking is as normal as having intercourse, it is not weird and kinky, and it is not gay. There is nothing wrong with enjoying the pleasures of self stimulation. It is a very powerful sexual gland that can lead you to a very dynamic orgasm, and it is perfectly normal to experiment with it.
There are some risks associated with anal stimulation if it is not done correctly|. Too much force on the prostate gland can cause several problems such as transferring cancer, blood poisoning, infections, and hemorrhoids. The recommended pressure on the G-spot is about the same as you would use to rub your eyes with.
If two Chinese people are dating, they are very well aware of Chinese culture conventions. However, when one is Chinese and one is from a different background, cultural differences will likely cause problems and strain the relationship if they are not discussed upfront.
Here are some insights on the Chinese way of thinking:
Chinese women come across as shy and reserved when dating. As such, it is culturally expected for the man to make the first move and exhibit a certain amount of dominance in the relationship. Men are expected to be in a lead role when it comes to relationships. This applies to both initial contact, and every step along the way.
Always show respect and be polite when talking to a Chinese woman, whether you are face to face or on an online dating site.
In the Chinese culture, you are expected to disclose information about everything, from type of car and size of house, down to the state of your health, your position at work and the amount of money that you make. It is all considered to contribute to your status in society, so you need to be willing to discuss it. Not wanting discussing it seems very strange to Chinese people and they will think you are trying to hide something.
Most women in China marry at an early age and Chinese men find it a little strange for women to be in their thirty's and still single. Chinese women over the age of 30 who find themselves still unattached are likely to welcome any opportunity to form a lasting relationship. Women who have been divorced or widowed are often considered invisible on the dating scene and will usually welcome the attention.
In the Chinese culture, your education level is part of your status, and as such, people expect you to be up front with the level attained. They greatly respect people with advanced degrees.
Chinese women are taught to value financial status as security for them and their future children. Chinese women are more likely to follow the money rather than their hearts.
A big majority of Chinese people who have a good command of the English language are usually well educated. Those who are not probably have never had the opportunity to learn, so a little patience will make it a little easier for them to learn, remember patience is a virtue.
It is also very common for people in China not to have a religion, as many years ago it was believed to be superstitious and many of the churches and temples were actually destroyed and religion was banned by Mao.
In Chinese society, the man is expected to pay for everything on a date, this includes dinner, movies, theatre, snacks and, if needed, taxis.
Chinese people usually date with the idea of starting a long term relationship. Dating for fun or for casual sex is not normally something that they do.
Many Chinese people are not into drinking alcohol, so you should consider suggesting a venue where something other than just alcohol is served. Since most Chinese are into green teas, you may find that many restaurants are not to their liking because of that. Try to be sensitive to their needs.
People in China do not make a big deal over punctuality or keeping dates and appointments, so learning the western way of doing things will take a little time, so they might not understand why you are mad or upset.
Chinese people will show that they like you by offering to help you. You will find that they will feel obligated to help with dishes or even help with small bits of maintenance around the house. It is how they show affection.
You should also be aware that asking about one's health and taking care of someone when they are sick or feeling a little under the weather are two ways of showing how much you care about that person in China. Looking after what you eat, wear, and your health is not an attempt to run or control your life, this is the Chinese way of sharing their feelings in an indirect but very classy way.
Chinese people are not into public displays of affection, to the point that you may not even realize that they are in love with you. They are unlikely to say, “I love you”.
Being more aware of Chinese versus Western cultural norms should help you when interacting with Chinese people in general, but especially so in a dating or relationship situation.
Hopefully this article will help you in your relationships with Chinese people. Attentive and educated Chinese men and women would love to meet you so just follow the link below.
There is just so much crap on the internet about having better sex with drugs. Viagra and Cialis have a place when there really is a physical issue, but in many cases, there is no real medical problem per se. Many people who use Viagra and Cialis do not really need them. They are just out of shape. Doctors are too quick to dispense expensive drugs before having you try small lifestyle changes first. The article below gives you a simple, no cost way to improve your sex life without drugs.
No gym, no expense, and you can even do it during meetings at work!
This is a rather amusing tale of something that happened to a “friend” of mine. Namely me.
I was in a relationship dry spot for a period of a few months when I met him. I happened to be walking by a 'Naughty and Nice' store when I saw him inside. I suddenly was just driven to find out what he was all about. I quickly bonded with him at a deep level. He was exactly what I needed in life just then. He was always there for me whenever I needed him, and he always gave me what I needed. And even better, he had no expectations of me at all. A match made in heaven. I nicknamed him “Captain Nemo” after the character in the Jules Verne novel, but pretty soon I shortened that to just “Nemo”. He could not swim, but he was best when he was wet.
Nemo was just about the longest lasting pleasure giver that I was ever entertained by. I always got tired before he did. It was a relationship made in heaven! He had a tight compact body. Very elegant and sleek. He was extremely satisfying for such a small package. It always fascinated me how much pleasure he could give. He only gave me grief once. But it was a doozie!
Captain Nemo, my companion when I needed him the most, was a mini-vibrator!
I was attracted to his high quality look right off the bat. I had not had sex in months and was getting pretty desperate when I chanced to see him. His best feature was that he came with a small tubular carrying case that fit like a glove into my purse. It looked like I was prepared for a rainy day to the casual observer because most people who saw it thought it was an emergency umbrella. Nobody who saw him ever recognized him for the deliverer of delights that he was.
I am a traveling salesperson by trade. I sell hydraulic valves of all things. My job involves insane amounts of travel, and I am often away for three weeks at a time every month. When I first started, I was thrilled at the freedom that my job gave me. Traveling, meeting new people, opening new accounts. It was quite a rush. But after several years of that my enthusiasm started to wane. By my second decade on the road, it was just a job. You see, by then I was pushing my mid-forties pretty hard, and I just did not think I could handle a new career. When I was younger, I had a sailor in every port. Most people would have judged me as promiscuous. I personally prefer calling it free spirited. And besides, it was not like I was doing it with anybody wearing pants I just did the hot ones! Come on, I am kidding. I make no secret of the fact that I had my own harem of guys. It was fun. I never told any of them that we were exclusive, and I have never been ashamed. I avoided one night stands. In fact, I never had one. I hope that all of my past companions still think of me with the same warmth of feelings that I still feel for them. I was always very careful about protection, and have never had any issues. As I spent more time on the road, these types of relationships started to pale. I guess I was looking for something more without realizing it. So it turned out that as each of them went their own ways to find something more tangible, I just did not have the heart to find anyone to replace them. My little guy harem atrophied, and then ceased to exist. I started to become depressed in my solitude. Deep down in side, I knew that I was looking to settle down, but I was on the road three weeks a month and I just could not see me doing any sort of normal family gig. Hence, Nemo.
At the end of one particularly grueling sales trip, I was extremely tired and started to get quite sleepy behind the wheel. So rather than try to make it home that night, I decided to hole up in a motel for the evening. It was rush hour and even though I was only about 20 miles away, it would take me too long to get there. So I had a quick supper, and turned in. You know, it always seems to to this way. I guess I was over tired by then, and was having trouble getting asleep. After a while, I got up and reached for my trusty Nemo. When I turned him on, he did not sound quite right. He needed new batteries. I had realized that the last time I used him, but it had slipped my mind. I opened my purse and pulled out the ones that I had already picked up. Recharged with a new set of batteries, Nemo was soon purring normally.
As I rubbed him over my clitoris, I found myself more stimulated than usual. It was either the fresh batteries or the state of exhaustion that I was in or some combination of both. I really do not know why, I just know that it felt awesome. So I found myself pushing him in deeper than normal. In and out, in and out, I was in heaven. My climax was huge, but when I came, I lost my grip on Nemo and he slipped way up inside of me. It was an awkward angle for me and I could not reach him. The problem was that he was still running. I was starting to worry in a big way, but old Nemo just kept buzzing up a storm I started to wish I had bought cheaper batteries. As I came the third time in five minutes, I was starting to flag. I was already tired to start, and I was not sure how much of this I could tolerate. Well, tolerate is a bad word, because my body seemed to be one with Nemo, even though my head was getting worried. I tried everything I could think of but could not get him out. In a flash of inspiration, I stood up and started jumping up and down on my heels hoping that gravity would come to my aid. That was the closest I got to success. He started to slip down, but just as reached the point where I could grab him, I had another shuddering spasm. Up he zipped, fast as lightning!
I was starting to get exhausted, but that darn Nemo seemed to be insatiable. By now I was cursing EverReady quite vociferously. I finally decided that I needed someone to help. Asking the hotel night clerk might have made his day, but I was not about to do that. Instead, I looked up the address of the nearest hospital and payed a visit to their emergency ward. I was hoping to get a sympathetic nurse rather than some uptight doctor. I was lucky I guess. They were not that busy, but even so I had to wait a half hour before I could see anybody. As I waited, I had several more orgasms. I was actually starting to hurt each time it happened. This was not even remotely funny anymore.
Once in the room, a doctor showed up almost immediately, and had Nemo out within seconds. What a relief! It only took me a few moments to feel the embarrassment, and my face was soon red as a beet. The doctor could not have been nicer though. I was ready for a gruff old bugger, but he was about my age and just a really nice guy. In any event, he said it was not the first time he had had to deal with something like this. He left then, but as he walked away, my eyes were immediately attracted to his really cute butt. The rest of his physique was good as well. Looked like he worked out, and he was pretty decent looking as middle age guys my age go. He had to be taken though.
The fatigue really hit me then. I was having trouble even bending over to put on my slacks. When I stood up I felt dizzy. I asked for directions to the cafeteria and wandered very slowly in that direction. I had just started to work on my croissant and sip a herbal tea when Dr. Stud Muffin walks in and orders a coffee and toasted bagel. I tried not to drool as I watched him from the corner of my eyes. I was pretending to read some free publication that was on the table, but I guess I was not that convincing. He totally surprised me by coming over to my table and asking if I would mind if he joined me.
You know, I have been a salesperson all my life so I have a real gift for gab. In spite of that gift of gab, I have always had trouble opening up and pouring my heart out to anybody. Maybe it was his bedside manner, but with this guy I found that I was pouring my heart out to him within five minutes. He was amazingly easy to talk to. I just implicitly trusted him. He said he knew what I meant. His wife had left him a couple of years before and he was just getting over the divorce. It was the job that broke them up. It was too demanding of his time and she just got tired of being alone. Suddenly, Dr. Hunk became a lot more interesting to me. I started to subtly shift the conversation.
By the end of his break, I had lined him up for a date the following weekend. I left the hospital walking on air. That Saturday, things went really well, and a series of dates followed as our schedules permitted. What was good about the relationship was that we both had jobs that required us to be away from each other for protracted periods of times, but we were both okay with that. In any event, after a year we moved in together, and two years later we were married.
Nemo was the only one who suffered in all of this. His life became quite lonely without me. I seldom needed him anymore, and after 4 months I put him away for good. Likely he was happy for me because I was so happy myself. There are days when I reflect on it all and it almost seems as if it was planned by some greater entity. There were just too many coincidences that had to line up for this to have been just random. In any event, Nemo still has a special place in my heart, and sits in an honored place on a shelf in my bedroom. He changed my life, and every once in a while, I take him down and reflect on all of that.
You can find more humorous stories by following the link below:
Even if you are not an outdoorsy kind of person, if you are dating over the course of a summer, you are likely to find yourself and your date communing with good old mother nature at some point. No matter what your definition of 'communing with nature is' (and that can range from tenting on a backpacking trail and using a Johnson-log to relieve yourself all the way to a 2 story cottage overlooking a lake, complete with Jacuzzi spa, hot-tub on the deck, and a boathouse, you will likely find yourself sharing many romantic interludes with your loved one. All that fresh air and all those sunsets are natural sexual invigorators – getting her in the intimate frame of mind, and reminding him about the natural side of being alive. The nights will also add their share of enjoyment as you sneak down to the water to skinny-dip under the full moon and the wash of stars in the milky-way. Likely all of these activities will result in 'sex in the wild'. There is however an element of health risk involved, so you should not just do the 'down and dirty' without being prepared. Big city living means that you do not have some of the natural resistance to bacteria that your cave dwelling ancestors did, so you must be more prepared than they were able to be.
Problem: Sex in the Dirt (and Not the Down and Dirty Type Dirt
Outdoor activities expose you to more grime, and with that, more bacteria. When you start a fire, you’re going to get covered in ash and grime (at least if you do it like I do). Barbeques will inherently get some sauces and juices on you. And then there are the layers of bug spray and sun block you have on your skin. All together, you’re pretty damn gross by the time you head back to your tent for some “private” times. No woman wants to give oral sex to a gross, dirty penis. And no guy enjoys fondling a boob covered in slimy grime. The thrill will fade quickly.
Solution: Hit the Showers
There are ways around this pitfall, of course. In many national parks, or even state level parks, there are usually shower facilities. Of course this does not help you if you are on an overnight trip on a backpacking trail and miles away from a shower. Going during off peak hours – like after midnight – is a way avoid facility overload. If you sneak in together, you can have a shower, and then shower sex together (likely though, unless you are in a same sex relationship, one of you will be busting into a facility meant for the opposite sex – maybe three in the morning would be better).
Problem: Privacy
Tents are pretty good at keeping out bugs and reasonably good at keeping out the rain. What they suck at is blocking noise. These walls are literally paper-thin. If you are engaged in sexual anything, everyone within ear shot will know. If you are on a group camping trip with other couples who have kids, this may cause some interesting questions the next day. Before you engage in sex in a tent, make sure you are okay with the looks you will get from inside and outside of your own campsite
Solution: Really Long-g-g Nature Hikes
This one works like a charm, as long as you remember some basic safety tips. First, don’t go where there are bears. They can kill the mood and you’re partner. Second, do not go on a long sex trek at night. Better to do it during the day, when wildlife is less prevalent, and you can see clearly as you run for you life if some scary animal shows up. Third, bring a pad or blanket to lay on so you can avoid getting dirt and bugs on you while you do the dirty. Also, let your camping party know you’re going for a hike. Now they can send the rangers for you in case you get all caught up in your escapades and do not get back in time.
If two Chinese people are dating, they are very well aware of Chinese social conventions. However, when one of those people is not Chinese, explanations about Chinese culture and its impact on dating are necessary.
Here are some insights on the Chinese way of thinking:
Chinese women are typically a little coy and expect the man to make the first move. Men are expected to be in a lead role when it comes to relationships. This applies to both initial contact, and every step along the way.
If you are contacted by a Chinese woman on a online dating site always be respectful and polite.
In the Chinese culture, you are expected to disclose information about everything, from type of car and size of house, down to the state of your health, your position at work and the amount of money that you make. It is all considered to contribute to your status in society, so you need to be willing to discuss it. Not wanting discussing it seems very strange to Chinese people and they will think you are trying to hide something.
Most women in China marry at an early age and Chinese men find it a little strange for women to be in their thirty's and still single. Older single women are more likely to jump at a dating opportunity because they are normally shunned by Chinese men to some extent. Women who have been divorced or widowed are often considered invisible on the dating scene and will usually welcome the attention.
In China education is very important and Chinese men and women are usually more interested in the education level and degrees one might possess than most cultures are.
Another very important thing to Chinese women is financial security, they believe that financial status and stability are very important for a healthy stable relationship.
Well educated Chinese people can often speak English to some degree. They are likely a lot better at reading and writing it than speaking it, especially if they are still living in China. When you do not use a language orally you cannot develop a good ear for distinguishing the words, nor do you get a chance to be fluent orally. Be ready to accept the fact that there will be more of a spoken language barrier than a written one.
Because of the banning of religion by Mao, entire generations of people in China have grown up without religion in their lives.
It is also expected in Chinese culture that the man pay for everything on a date, this includes dinner, movies, theatre, snacks and, if needed, taxis.
The Chinese culture is not into casual sex or casual dating. If you are not serious about a long term relationship, then say so on the first date.
Many Chinese people are not into drinking alcohol, so you should consider suggesting a venue where something other than just alcohol is served. Since most Chinese are into green teas, you may find that many restaurants are not to their liking because of that. Try to be sensitive to their needs.
Do not have any expectations of mainland Chinese people showing up for a date on time. It is not in the culture..
Chinese people will show that they like you by offering to help you. You will find that they will feel obligated to help with dishes or even help with small bits of maintenance around the house. It is how they show affection.
Chinese people are very attentive to the sick, and are also very health conscious. Expect them to be vocal about things they see you do that they do not think is healthy.
Chinese people are not into public displays of affection, to the point that you may not even realize that they are in love with you. They are unlikely to say, “I love you”.
Being more aware of Chinese versus Western cultural norms should help you when interacting with Chinese people in general, but especially so in a dating or relationship situation.
Hopefully this article will help you in your relationships with Chinese people. Attractive Chinese ladies and men from all social backgrounds would love to meet you so just follow the link below.